Tuesday 20 December 2016

We do good in 2016, and we'll do better in 2017!

MySoft has been organizing different activities throughout the year. In the year of 2016, we have gone through several events together with our dealers as well as our customers, such as dealer meeting, GST seminar, Mr. Version 10 product briefing and new applications training.

We would like to address our appreciation on your support to our company all the way. Our journey wouldn’t have been this meaningful without you. Let us step into 2017 hand in hand and we promise we will do better and serve you better in the coming years.

Mr. Accounting GST Training
23rd August 2016

Dealers Meeting
13th October 2016

GST Seminar: How to Manage GST Submission?
11th November 2016

Mr. Accounting Version 10 Briefing
15th November 2016