Monday 19 December 2016

Ransomware: Kidnappers in System

What is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a malware (virus) that installed to your PC or mobile device and hold or lock your files for ransom. It will pop out a message saying that you cannot access to your files unless you pay a certain amount of money. It’s just like kidnappers who asking you for ransom!

How Ransomware attack looks?
Ransomware attacks your pictures, documents, files and data. You know that you are under attack if you see any of the following:

Ransomware note
Encrypted files
Renamed files
Locked browser
Locked screen

Types of Ransomware
There are two types of ransomware:
(i) Lockscreen ransomware – shows a full screen message that prevents you from accessing to your PC or files.
(ii) Encryption ransomware – changes your files so you can’t use them.

When can a ransomware attack start?
Ransomware may attacks when users are:
Browsing untrusted websites
Opening file attachments which are known as containing malicious code from spam emails
Installing pirated software
Using a PC that is connected to an already infected network

How to avoid ransomware attack?

- Do not backup data only in your c-drive, but also backup our data to external hard disk as well as any online cloud storage.
- Backup need to be done twice a day, once before work and once after work.

How to backup your data in Mr. Accounting
- Go to Admin Tool > click backup > choose destination for your backup files (default: c-drive) > change destination to external hard disk or online cloud storage > click save

Why is it so important to backup your data in Mr. Accounting?
Once your database is renamed, you can no longer access to your transactions. All the transactions you keyed will be locked or even gone. You would need to re-key in all your transactions for the past few years.