Tuesday 20 December 2016

We do good in 2016, and we'll do better in 2017!

MySoft has been organizing different activities throughout the year. In the year of 2016, we have gone through several events together with our dealers as well as our customers, such as dealer meeting, GST seminar, Mr. Version 10 product briefing and new applications training.

We would like to address our appreciation on your support to our company all the way. Our journey wouldn’t have been this meaningful without you. Let us step into 2017 hand in hand and we promise we will do better and serve you better in the coming years.

Mr. Accounting GST Training
23rd August 2016

Dealers Meeting
13th October 2016

GST Seminar: How to Manage GST Submission?
11th November 2016

Mr. Accounting Version 10 Briefing
15th November 2016

Monday 19 December 2016

Ransomware: Kidnappers in System

What is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a malware (virus) that installed to your PC or mobile device and hold or lock your files for ransom. It will pop out a message saying that you cannot access to your files unless you pay a certain amount of money. It’s just like kidnappers who asking you for ransom!

How Ransomware attack looks?
Ransomware attacks your pictures, documents, files and data. You know that you are under attack if you see any of the following:

Ransomware note
Encrypted files
Renamed files
Locked browser
Locked screen

Types of Ransomware
There are two types of ransomware:
(i) Lockscreen ransomware – shows a full screen message that prevents you from accessing to your PC or files.
(ii) Encryption ransomware – changes your files so you can’t use them.

When can a ransomware attack start?
Ransomware may attacks when users are:
Browsing untrusted websites
Opening file attachments which are known as containing malicious code from spam emails
Installing pirated software
Using a PC that is connected to an already infected network

How to avoid ransomware attack?

- Do not backup data only in your c-drive, but also backup our data to external hard disk as well as any online cloud storage.
- Backup need to be done twice a day, once before work and once after work.

How to backup your data in Mr. Accounting
- Go to Admin Tool > click backup > choose destination for your backup files (default: c-drive) > change destination to external hard disk or online cloud storage > click save

Why is it so important to backup your data in Mr. Accounting?
Once your database is renamed, you can no longer access to your transactions. All the transactions you keyed will be locked or even gone. You would need to re-key in all your transactions for the past few years.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

8 Different Marketing Strategies Used to Sell the Same Mug. See How Different The Prices Could Be!

In order to achieve higher sales, a red wine company hired a team of people from product planning company to plan the packaging for their products. During their discussion, both parties had some argument regarding the pricing of the products.

The red wine company thinks that the prices set by the product planning team are way too high. However, the person in charge of the product planning team answered: “You shouldn’t have hired us if you want to sell your products in their original prices.”

The PIC then has his statement proven by telling the red wine company an example: How much could a mug be?

Strategy One

Selling the value of the product itself, you can only sell it at RM3.

If you see it as an ordinary mug, put it in an ordinary store, and sell in in an ordinary way, the highest price you can reach is probably RM3. This is where you can go without innovation.

Strategy Two

Selling the cultural value of the product, you can sell it at RM5.

If you add some trendy design onto the mug, you can sell it at RM5. Your mug is now having a cultural value, in which customers willing to pay for it.

Strategy Three

Selling the value of the product brand: RM7.

If you put a logo of a well-known brand on the mug, it could be sell at a price of RM7. People always willing to pay for branded things, this is how you market your products by using their brand’s value.

Strategy Four

Selling the group value of a product: RM15.

If you group three mugs together, put some design on them and make a heart-warming family packaging for them, you may sell them at RM50 per set.
With this idea you can outstand your competitors even though they are selling the same mug in a cheaper price.

Strategy Five

Selling the additional function of the mug: RM80.

If you found that this mug is made of magnetic materials, you can sell it at RM80 by promoting on its magnetotherapy function.

Strategy Six

Selling the mug by targeting on market segmentation: RM188/pair.

If you give these therapeutic mugs a couple packaging and target them on couples, you can definitely sell them at RM188. Couples who cracking their head to think of the birthday present of their partners will thank you for solving their troubles.

Strategy Seven

Market on the packaging value of the mug: RM238/pair.

If you separate the couple mugs set into three types of packaging: (1) normal packaging at RM188/set, (2) special packaging at RM238/set and (3) luxury packaging at RM288/set.

When it comes to sales, you will notice that the hot selling item is not the normal packaging but the special packaging with the price of RM238/set. This is how you play with the packaging value.

Strategy Eight

Selling the commemorative value of the mug: RM2000!

If this mug ever used by Hu JinTao or Obama, you can sell it at RM2000 by marketing on its commemorative value.