Tuesday 11 July 2017

MySoft Training : Understanding New GST Guide 2017 by Royal Customs

On 16 June 2017, MySoft provided a one-day GST Training. Target customers for this training are users from SMEs. Topics covered including New Tax Codes, New GAF format Version 2 and Audit Checking. We also emphasize on errors discovered during audit by Royal Custom.

This training is very essential as it gives more information on how to fully utilize GST module in Mr. Accounting software.
We have been very active in organizing training in order to provide the best services to our dearest users. The training is provided by our professional trainer who also MySoft director, Mr. Law.  

At the end of training, we have Q&A session to discuss on real business issues on running GST. If you are interested to know more about our training, do not hesitate to contact us at
  03-8601 0698

We are more than happy to brief you about our next training session :)

Monday 10 July 2017

Let’s Join the Money Saving Challenge

Saving money could be hard, but not when you mix some elements of fun into it. Turn money-saving into a game with these money-saving challenges!

Challenge 1: Match your spend

This challenge goes: 
For every single expense you made (aside from your necessities), you have to set aside the same amount into your savings jar.
For example, you bought a Matcha latte from Starbucks that cost RM15 and a pair of slipper at RM14 for today. Later that evening, you have to put aside RM15 + RM14 into your savings jar.
With this, you will need to think twice before you spend. You will be able to separate what is your ‘need’ and what is you ‘want’ at the same time as you do your savings. 

Challenge 2: The budget cap challenge

This challenge goes: 
This challenge tests your survival skills and creativity. Set a budget to spend on each day. For example, RM10 per day. This could be hard, but this is how a challenge should be. 

Tips: bring your own food so you don’t have to spend on your lunch

Challenge 3: Keep your spare change

This challenge goes: 
At the end of your day, take all the coins from your pocket and wallet and place them into your savings jar. When you jar get full, you will surely be surprised by how much you have saved through this challenge.

Challenge 4: The 3-Day Pause

This challenge goes: 
This challenge best suits those who are shopping-addicted. When you saw something tempting that you wanted to buy, don’t add it into your shopping cart first. Take 3 days to reconsider whether you really need it or not.
If you still want it badly after 3 days, buy it. But you might have forgotten about it after 3 days.

Challenge 5: Choose a colour of ringgit to save

This challenge goes:
For every Rm 5 (green colour money) or RM 20 (orange colour money) that you get, you have to keep it away in a jar. Do it for specific of time (let's say 6 months) and you will be surprised on how much you have kept.

Challenge 6: Quit the Habits

 This challenge goes:
Quit your bad habits that cost money. For example, quite smoking to save the money you spend on cigarette; stop going to cybercafé or happy hour after work and etc.
You will need more commitment to cope with this challenge. But you will be able to save money even if you attempt to do it for a month or two. 

Let us know if you’ll be trying any of these challenges if you have any tips to share, and your experiences! We’ll love to hear from you! 

Sunday 9 July 2017

Tax Settings

Greetings to all!

In Mr.Accounting, we have Goods & Services Tax (GST) module to comply with GST requirements that started on April 2015.

The addition of GST functions allow tax amount to be automatically calculated for each transaction based on the tax code. The tax amounts are added up and automatically included in the GST-03 form, which can be generated in this module.

There are few steps on how to do tax setting using Mr. Accounting software :

This screen displays the preset tax codes that are based on the recommendation by the Malaysian Customs.

The tax codes can be divided into purchase and supply tax codes. The tax codes under Both are old tax codes for Sales and Service tax which should not be used.

The default preset tax codes, description and tax rates are as below:
Note: Tax codes are only suggested by the government and used for their tracking purposes. It is recommended to use the standard tax codes recommended by the government, but the most important thing is to ensure that the final tax payable/refundable figure is accurate in the GST-03 Return form.

Tax Settings Quick View screen

 Transaction (for Tax Settings)

You can use the Transaction button in the Quick View screen to display a list of all transactions with the selected tax code. You may need to use this function to check why there is an outstanding tax amount even after you have reconciled and submitted the GST Return form

A new window pops out showing the transaction history for this tax code as below.

Edit Tax Codes

Double click on tax codes or select a tax code and select Record.

Tax Code: Enter the name of the tax code

Description: Type in a description that will appear in the Quick View and in the magnifying glass selection screen

Tax Rate: This is to configure the tax rate for this tax code. This is used to calculate the tax amount for transactions using this tax code. The current rate is 6% for GST chargeable transactions and 0% for transactions not chargeable to GST.

Tax Category: This is to set which field in the GST Return form that amounts for this tax code are posted to. For example, if you set this to “GST-Std Rated” and “Supply Tax Type” then this amount is posted to the 5a) and 5b) fields in the GST Return.

Tax Type: This categorises the tax code into either purchase or supply. This affects the transactions that you can tax code under. For example, if you select the Supply Tax Type, then this tax code can only be selected under sales (i.e. customer-related) and receipts transactions such as Cash Book Receipt, Sales Entry etc.

General Ledger Posting: This is to set which GL code the amount for this tax code is posted to. This GL code is a control account for input tax/output tax under 3. Liabilities, or disallowed from claiming tax account under 7. Expenses.

Note: The GL posting is not the same as the tax category field above.
GL posting affects the GL code for posting tax amounts in the General Ledger, whereas Tax Category affects which field the amount is posted to in the GST Return form in the GST module.

Show In Search/ In Use for tax codes

 Only those Tax Codes that have been ticked for Show in Search will show up when you click on the magnifying glass to select tax codes [see example in Cash Book Payment below].

If Show in Search is ticked, then the In Use column in the Tax Settings Quick View screen will be ticked also.

 Tax Link to GL

You can use this function to link a tax code to an income or expense GL code, which means that this tax code is automatically selected after you select the linked GL code.

Example: Link the OP tax code to director fees GL code (an expense item)

After you have linked the tax code (OP) to director fees (71300):

When you select Director Fees as 71300 in GL code in Cash Book Payment, then the Tax Code will be automatically set to OP.

This prevents you from using the wrong tax code for that GL code, and saves you data entry time.

This is how easy to do tax setting using Mr. Accounting software :)

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Income tax submission made easy through e-Filing system

How to file income tax?

This may be a major concern for most of the tax payers these few months. 

Tax payers can now submit their income tax return form through e-filing system starting from 1st of March. This system will help you to calculate your income tax automatically.

How to do e-Filing?

7 major steps to complete the e-filing process:

Step 4: Fill in income details (refer to your company EA form)

Step 5: Fill in tax reliefs, tax rebates & tax exemptions

Step 6: Check the total tax you are due or your tax return

Step 7: Declare, Sign & Send


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Friday 10 March 2017

Training is an Investment for the Future of your Business

Practice makes perfect.

This is why training would be the key of success to your business. 

MySoft has been providing training to our customers since years ago. Our training has been outlined according to the latest guideline of accounting software, as well as the changing needs of our customers.

Topics taught included some basic knowledge regarding Mr. Accounting and general information on GST. Our professional trainers will answer our customers' questions and provide advice to their businesses during the Q&A session of our training.

Join us and at our Mr. Accounting Training in the future!

Let us learn together and grow together.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Why can I Install Mr. Accounting Easily? Here are My Solutions!

Facing the below problems?

  • Unable to login to Mr. Accounting
  • Unable to install Mr. Accounting in new PC
  • Unable to run Mr. Accounting in Client PC
No worry. It's just the matter of your ANTIVIRUS settings!

Below are the 3 antivirus that may cause installation issues:

1. McAfee
2. Kaspersky Total Security Firewall
3. Avast Antivirus

Let's get started with the solutions!

McAfee (OS Windows 10)

If you are using OS Windows 10, you may be unable to install Mr. Accounting due to an antivirus named McAfee. This antivirus blocks some application that need for Mr. Accounting Installation.

All you need to do is just:

1. Uninstall McAfee from the PC

2. Install Mr. Accounting

3. Re-install McAfee into your PC.

Kaspersky Total Security Firewall

If you unable to run Mr. Accounting in your client PC due to the reason that it is not connected to server PC, you may have to check the setting of your antivirus named Kaspersky Total Security Firewall.

FOUR simple steps to the solution:
1. Login to Kaspersky Total Security in both server and client PC.

2. Select setting > Firewall

3. In Firewall setting, select Configure Packet Rules

4. Change the status under the "Action" section into "Allow" 

Avast Antivirus

If you unable to start Mr. Accounting after your Avast antivirus is updated, you will have to write an exclusion in the antivirus.


FIVE (5) simple steps:

1. Run Avast in your desktop.

2.Open Settings and click Exclusion option.

3. Right click on Mr. Accounting icon and select 'open file location'. Then copy the folder path.

4. Paste the path to the File Paths in Avast Exclusion Settings and press OK.

5. Restart the PC and run Mr. Accounting.


Still having problems? Email us at support@mysoft.com.my